martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Top Ten Medical Uses of the iPhone

1. The iPhone as  Otoscope

2. AliveCor as Portable EKG


Just recently approved by the FDA (December 2012) the iPhone ECG is a single-lead electrocardiogram reader that attaches to the back of an iPhone and displays heart rate info via an app. (An Android version is in the works.) The creator, Dr. David Albert, is an Oklahoma Cardiologist, who likes to be called an “Inventor”.  Son of former Speaker of the House, Carl Albert, David believes the iPhone ECG could be used in intensive care units and used by EMTs.   His team is recently compiled data in June 2012, after which his company received more funding  from the powerful Qualcomm, a big company in the wireless industry.

4) The iPhone as a GLUCOMETER : IBGStar

5) iPhone as a Skin Scanner: THE  DERMATOSCOPE


6)  The Smartphone Ultrasound

8) The iPhone to Aid Slit Lamp:  Eyepiece Digital Adapter

The above shot from aniPhone is looking at the back of the eye, at the all-important retina, a frequent site of pathology, especially for diabetics.

1 comentario:

  1. Esta entrada de verdad que es útil y cae como una sorpresa. Estamos y acostumbrados a usar el iphone para acceder a guías, calculadoras y escalas médicas, para transferir nuestros archivos; pero de ahí a llegar a utilizar el teléfono para rastreo sonográfico!! Todos estos usos demuestran la gran ayuda que constituyen los avances tecnológicos en el ejercicio diagnóstico

    Gracias por el aporte

    Dra. Díaz Abreu. Jefa de residentes CC
